Tuesday, December 4, 2012


This is the response from a person that I interviewed:
* The student that was interviewed is a second year college student, that is trying to transfer to a  four year university in the fall of 2013. She has a job and is a full time student in AWC.

Question: What do you use technology for?

Answer: I mostly use it to do homework, and to get on Facebook to see if anybody has send me a message. I use technology all the time for pretty much everything I do.

Question: Do you think that technology helps you?

Answer: I believe that technology does help me in many ways; it helps me research quickly and get my work done. With technology I can easily talk with aunts and uncles that live too far way to visit all the time. It also helps me relax, like when I want to see a movie of one of my show I can just see it in the computer or television.

Question: Does having technology with sometime distract you?

Answer: Well kind of, I get distracted when somebody sends me a text and I am trying to do my home work and then I just forget about it and start just sending messages to other people. Sometimes I get so distracted that I leave my homework until the last minute, but that doesn't happen too often.

Question: Why do you think about technology?

Answer: Well I’m surprised how much technology has advance this couple of years that sometimes its hard to keep up with everything new that they are making. It seems that every year there is either a new different kind of cell phone or game system coming out that every body needs to have. I guess I am use to technology since I been surrounded by it most of my life.

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