Tuesday, December 4, 2012

How Much Students use Technology:

During my observation I discovered that the students from AWC use technology a lot. In my class that has 21 students, 12 students were constantly checking their phones for text messages. 5 of the students that were checking their phones would be actually using their phone and not really listening to the teachers lecture. I was amazed by how much the students use there phone during the whole hour of class.

While I was outside in I notice that 10 students where sitting on the benches outside the library. Only 3 students had a laptop, and 3 of the other ones where using there phone, and the rest of them where just sitting down hanging out and talking to each other.

What I thought that was interesting was that so many students in the campus uses there phones everyday that is seems that, that the only thing that they care about. When I was observing I noticed that one of the students was so engrossed in their cell phone that the student didn't notice one of those golf cars going in front of the student, I think that it could have hit them and caused them injuries. Luckily the golf car stopped in time and the driver didn't run the student over.

 When I wen to the library there were 14 students, 6 of the students were using blackboard to do there homework. 3 students were writing essays, 3 of them were using Facebook to chat, and 2 of them were using Facebook and checking there cellphone at the same time.

This video shows how much technology is used in a daily life.

 I thought this picture was interesting.

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