Tuesday, December 4, 2012

How I use Technology!! :O

5:00am- in the morning my cellphone alarms rings and I wake up check it and turn off the alarm and go back to sleep.
5:20am- the alarm rings again I finally get up and out of bed to get ready for work.
6:00am- while I am trying to get ready I turn on the television to see what’s on and see it while I’m getting ready.
7:03am-the YCAT comes to the bus stop and I get in and then I turn on my iPod to listen to music.
10:06am- I use the computer, to watch my shows.
10:50am- check my phone to see what time it is.
11:37am-I receive a text message and I checked it and answer it.
12:06pm- I went to the computer in the library to print out some homework.
12:16pm-I checked what time I was in my cell phone.
1:32pm- I checked what time it was on my cellphone.
1:40pm- I went to use the computer and did some homework.
3:20pm- I got a phone call and answered it.
3:50pm- I used my IPod while washing dishes.
4:30pm- I check my phone to see what time it was.
5:40pm- I started to text some of my friends
6:00pm- I went to the schools library and got on blackboard to do some homework.
8:10pm- I went to the night cat (bus) and turned on my iPod and listen to my music.
9:07pm- I turned on the television to watch Supernatural the episodes.
9:13pm- I got my phone and turned on my alarm.
9:42pm- I got a phone text messages and answered them.

It turns out that I use technology just as much as every one else. I think that it’s hard to escape the usage of technology, especially when technology is a big part of my everyday life. I couldn’t believe how many times I check my cell phone for the time. I believe that most of my use for technology wasn’t really harmful to me, because I mostly used it to see what time it was, so that I could get to class and work on time. The times that I used the computer to see my shows was mostly when I was in my breaks it helps me relax and distracts myself from all the stress. I am will to try to stop using the computer to watch my shows and focus more on doing my homework so that I will turn it in on time.

How Much Students use Technology:

During my observation I discovered that the students from AWC use technology a lot. In my class that has 21 students, 12 students were constantly checking their phones for text messages. 5 of the students that were checking their phones would be actually using their phone and not really listening to the teachers lecture. I was amazed by how much the students use there phone during the whole hour of class.

While I was outside in I notice that 10 students where sitting on the benches outside the library. Only 3 students had a laptop, and 3 of the other ones where using there phone, and the rest of them where just sitting down hanging out and talking to each other.

What I thought that was interesting was that so many students in the campus uses there phones everyday that is seems that, that the only thing that they care about. When I was observing I noticed that one of the students was so engrossed in their cell phone that the student didn't notice one of those golf cars going in front of the student, I think that it could have hit them and caused them injuries. Luckily the golf car stopped in time and the driver didn't run the student over.

 When I wen to the library there were 14 students, 6 of the students were using blackboard to do there homework. 3 students were writing essays, 3 of them were using Facebook to chat, and 2 of them were using Facebook and checking there cellphone at the same time.

This video shows how much technology is used in a daily life.

 I thought this picture was interesting.


This is the response from a person that I interviewed:
* The student that was interviewed is a second year college student, that is trying to transfer to a  four year university in the fall of 2013. She has a job and is a full time student in AWC.

Question: What do you use technology for?

Answer: I mostly use it to do homework, and to get on Facebook to see if anybody has send me a message. I use technology all the time for pretty much everything I do.

Question: Do you think that technology helps you?

Answer: I believe that technology does help me in many ways; it helps me research quickly and get my work done. With technology I can easily talk with aunts and uncles that live too far way to visit all the time. It also helps me relax, like when I want to see a movie of one of my show I can just see it in the computer or television.

Question: Does having technology with sometime distract you?

Answer: Well kind of, I get distracted when somebody sends me a text and I am trying to do my home work and then I just forget about it and start just sending messages to other people. Sometimes I get so distracted that I leave my homework until the last minute, but that doesn't happen too often.

Question: Why do you think about technology?

Answer: Well I’m surprised how much technology has advance this couple of years that sometimes its hard to keep up with everything new that they are making. It seems that every year there is either a new different kind of cell phone or game system coming out that every body needs to have. I guess I am use to technology since I been surrounded by it most of my life.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

My Introdution to the blog world!

Hello, my name is Anely, and today in class we will be starting to write blogs. I'm a first year student in Arizona Western College (AWC). My plan is to graduate with a bachelor degree and be a teacher so that I can help kids in their future. Being a first year student I have recently undertaking a big change for me, things such as my homework, and projects that require the use of computers and not really meeting the other students and just sending everything through email. I had to get use to using technology for everything, It was a big transition, that hopefully I adapted to. The use of technology in college is more then I would have expected. I also use it, not just for school, but also for my own entertainment, such as to watching movies, reading, and communicating to other people. The use of technology is so much that it just seems natural to me to use it and I don't even think much about it when I use it. Of course it affects everybody in the world in different ways. It’s amazing what technology can do. I use it to see many shows that otherwise I wouldn't be able to see. Technology helps me feel more connected to all of my family and friends. Many more things are more accomplished with the use of technology. Even though its helps it can also be a distraction to many people, even though it’s an everyday thing that all the people use.